New ASTM Audit Trail Production Standard: An Interview with Nursine Jackson
In 2017, ASTM, an international standard organization, withdrew standard ASTM E2147 – 01, the Standard Specification for Audit and...

Do you have the complete medical record? A discovery plan can help.
You practice healthcare law and just received a patient’s medical record. How can you be sure this is the complete medical record? Unless...

Audit trails and metadata in medical malpractice cases
"An EMR audit trail is considered system metadata because it contains “a record of every change or addition to an electronic medical...

Class Action Law Suit claims eCW did not maintain medical record integrity, audit logs inaccurately
A $999M Class Action lawsuit has been filed by a deceased cancer patient's estate against EHR vendor, eClinicalWorks. The lawsuit attests...

Audit Logs, And What They Are
This article written by Dean F. Sittig, PhD describes the definitions and intricacies of audit logs for their use in litigation. Included...

A Pandora’s Box: The EMR’s Audit Trail​
“Since the audit trail is available and saved with nearly every patient, the question in medical malpractice cases no longer is whether...