Audit Logs, And What They Are
This article written by Dean F. Sittig, PhD describes the definitions and intricacies of audit logs for their use in litigation. Included in this article is the question “What should be in the Audit Log” featuring the name of the user, the application, the physical location, the date and time of the interaction, and the description of the type of interaction. It also details the Key Definitions needed to understand an audit log, the HIPAA Security Rule, Meaningful Use Audit Requirements, and Audit Log Overview. Along with those segments, the article also outlines how to use the audit log to defend a medical malpractice claim. The article details how to understand an Audit log using an example audit log as reference. Lastly, the article ends on a segment about what answers (to potential questions) a defense attorney should know. The purpose of this paper is to provide an introduction to audit logs and their use in litigation.
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