Will patient advocates and healthcare transparency change healthcare law?
Leilani Schweitzer shared her emotional experience about losing her child at Stanford University Hospital. The machines that her baby...

A Decade after the HITECH Act, CMS’s Verma Reinforces Health Data Interoperability
It will be almost a decade since the enactment of the milestone HITECH Act in 2009 (via ARRA), which promoted EHR adoption and bolstered...

Senate bills include ‘common sense’ mandates around PDMPs and e-prescribing
Provisions of two bills introduced in the Senate this week feature new requirements for prescription drug monitoring programs and...

Class Action Law Suit claims eCW did not maintain medical record integrity, audit logs inaccurately
A $999M Class Action lawsuit has been filed by a deceased cancer patient's estate against EHR vendor, eClinicalWorks. The lawsuit attests...

Epic sued over millions in alleged anesthesia over-billing; Company stands by system
"Healthcare IT giant Epic Systems has been hit with a False Claims Act suit that alleges the company’s billing system double bills the...

Does Apple Need FDA Review to Add Medical Monitoring Features to Apple Watch?
"Speculation builds as the FDA announced this week that Apple was one of nine companies the agency has approved for a pilot Digital...

ONC scales back EHR certification process requirements, catching industry groups by surprise
"The Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT is significantly pulling back on EHR certification attestation requirements, a move...

Epic CEO Judy Faulkner: "Why do you want your medical records? They’re a thousand pages of whic
"Epic CEO Judy Faulkner asked Biden during an (until now) private meeting between EHR executives and administration officials, “Why do...

Researchers: Meaningful Use legislation led to a 'substantial change' in EHR adoption
"An incentive program established under the HITECH Act in 2009 was a primary driver behind EHR adoption in hospitals across the country,...